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Understanding Set Backs in Goal Setting

Step Back to See the Set Back: How to move forward in Goals after a set back.

In this episode of the Soulbound Studios Podcast, I initially planned to discuss how to know you're on the right path. However, during my recordings, I often find myself deviating from the planned topics. I've come to realize the importance of being flexible with my outline and giving myself grace.

In recent months, I faced setbacks in achieving the goals I set in October. I had ambitious plans, from paying off debt to writing a book and maintaining a successful podcast. However, life took an unexpected turn, and I met someone in November. While it brought a beautiful connection, it also led to a shift in focus, affecting my initial goals.

Acknowledging this, I want to emphasize the normalcy of set backs in goal setting. It's crucial to give yourself grace during these times rather than feeling pressured to be 100% committed all the time.

Reflecting on my experiences, I've learned the significance of viewing setbacks as part of a journey. Adjusting goals and expectations, practicing self-awareness, and embracing the process have become essential in moving forward.

I share my personal journey to encourage others facing setbacks. If you have your own experiences or questions, feel free to reach out on my website. Your support means a lot, and I'm grateful for each listener joining me on this adventure. Thank you!



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I'm Mandi. I host the Soulbound Studios Podcast.

Just a small town mom of 4 navigating this thing called life.

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